The Papa Luciani Foundation came to life for the valorization of the figure and teachings of John Paul I.
It manages the museum in his honour and the study centre annexed to it. Besides, it organizes events in his memory and offers welcome services to the numerous pilgrimers and visitors who get to Canale d’Agordo.
The Papa Luciani Foundation is structured in three bodies:
The Advisory Board
The Chief Executive
Amici del Museo Albino Luciani
The Advisory Board is made up of the mayor of the municipality of Canale d’Agordo and two counsellors appointed by the mayor himself.
Currently these public offices are held by:
Mr Massimo Murer, mayor of the municipality of Canale d’Agordo, President of the Foundation:;
Mrs Marilisa Luchetta, deputy mayor and counsellor;
Mrs Bruna Cagnati, counsellor.
The Chief executive remains in office for the time set by the deliberation of nomination.
Currently this public office is carried out by Mr Loris Serafini:; 345.1512564
To meet the different requests of those who are planning to collaborate effectively with the Foundation, the Advisory Board has also set up an internal body called Amici del Museo Albino Luciani, a category which acts as a promoter and spreader of the actions of the Foundation. Those who want to join this category can do it by just applying for it through the form below.
Please fill it in and send it to the following e-mail address: The Foundation will be busy in sending you the annual membership card.
Applying form for supporters: Modulo iscrizione Sostenitori
Amici del Museo Regulation: Regolamento Amici del Museo
Rev. Johan Goossens
Fam. Ruggero Rosson
Fam. Giovanni Fontanive
Card. Pietro Parolin
Card. Beniamino Stella
Fam. Angelina de Toffol
Fam Riccardo Tognetti
Fam. Giovanni Andrich
Paul & Joyce E. Spackman
The organization chart of the Albino Luciani Papa Giovanni Paulo I Museum (MUSAL) is the following:
Director: Mr Loris Serafini