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The Papa Luciani Foundation keeps going on thanks to the financial support of public and private entities along with private citizens, which are sensitive towards the valorization of the figure of Pope Luciani carried out by the Foundation. Thus, to go on working it needs the support of many people.

Being conscious of the fact, that as the sea is made up of single water drops, in the same way the support of many, even if small, can do a lot. So we thank right now all those willing to support us.



1. do an offer by bank transfer to the account of PAPA LUCIANI FOUNDATION of CANALE D’Agordo:

IBAN: IT98 C081 4066 0700 00005044 401


Cassa Rurale Dolomiti di Fassa, Primiero e Belluno

Filiale di Canale d’Agordo


Piazza Papa Luciani, 4

32020 Canale d’Agordo



2. donate your 5×1000 to PAPA LUCIANI FOUNDATION of Canale d’Agordo

TAX CODE: 93043680250


3. Through a little offer of at least € 10,00 you will become “Friend of the Museum”: this means you will get a personal card, which allows you to visit our Museum for free and you will receive news about events and the activities promoted by the Foundation… Just fill in the following form and send it back to the e-mail address:

Supporters registration form

Supporters Regulation

Furthermore, for the Jubilee 2025, this Card is enriched by discounts and reductions in the following shops in the birth place of Pope John Paul I, Canale d’Agordo:

  • 10% discount on the items by the shop Merceria & Moda Da Laura;
  • 10% discount on the items of Pope John Paul I by the shop Fiocco Souvenirs;
  • 10% discount on the items of Pope John Paul I and 5% discount on the books about Pope John Paul I by the shop Il Filò;
  • 5% discount on the prices by the Restaurant Alle Codole;
  • 10% discount on the total dinner/lunch by the Restaurant Pizzeria Costa.


4. do a liberal provision ‘Art Bonus’ for ALBINO LUCIANI MUSEUM ‘MUSAL’, thus benefitting from important tax benefits in terms of tax credit, as granted by the law. Become a patron, take care of MUSAL and other cultural sites in the Bellunese area!,-papa-giovanni-paolo-i.html


5. donate or give objects, books, press release, pictures, audiovisual media, art works or everything that could serve to make Pope Luciani known, to the Museum in loan-for-use. In this case, please, turn exclusively to the Director of the Foundation:

Loris Serafini

Mob. 0039.345.151.25.64


6. You can also decide to support the Foundation through handwritten or holographic will. You can donate objects, documents, books but also properties and a sum of money. For more information about it please contact us by phone +39 04371948001 or by e-mail: