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The Papa Luciani Foundation deals mainly with collecting autographs, books, pieces of evidence, photos, press release and objects relating to Albino Luciani. The cataloguing, filing and inventory of the archival, audiovisual and library materials and press release is work in progress. Such fund makes up the Library of the Papa Luciani Foundation (1958-) which includes books and magazines inherent to the Pontifix from Agordino as well as other library and archival fund about the figure of Albino Luciani and the place he grew up, in particular archival and library goods of Pieve di Canale d’Agordo, that is to say: the Historic Library of Pieve di Canale (1502-1970), ordered by Albino Luciani in 1931; the Circulating Library (1845-1927), from where the future Pope borrowed his books; the Historic Archives of Pieve di Canale (1361-1970), that keeps the evidence inherent to Luciani’s childhood and youth.

It is possible to consult the Library specialized in Albino Luciani, that has been created by the Foundation in collaboration with the Provincial Service of Libraries in the Bellunese area. Look for the required volumes in the catalogue OPAC by using the following link: .

Catalogo Biblioteca Fondazione Papa Luciani (1958-).

Catalogo Periodici Biblioteca Fondazione (1958-).

CatalogoBiblioteca Storica della Pieve di Canale (1502-1970).

Catalogo Biblioteca Circolante (1845-1927).

Inventario dell’ Archivio Storico della Pieve Pieve di Canale (1361-1970).


Amedeo Da Pos Fund

It is a collection of documents, books and about one thousand drawings of the sculptor Amedeo Da Pos (Carfon di Canale d’Agordo), one of the best pupils of Valentino Panciera Besarel. The artist was appreciated by the priest and bishop Albino Luciani, who had turned to him to ask for ancient manuscripts.

The archive keeps also the documentation of the Regola di Carfon.

The whole fund has been completely reorganized in 2009, when the Benedetto Da Pos family heirs gave it kindly to the Museum as gratuitous loan.

Inventario Archivio Famiglia Da Pos di Carfon



It consists of 376 volumes (XVII-XIX cent.), among which there are 61 volumes of the late 18th century edition of the French Encyclopedia. It is a prestigious collection gathered by the archpriest vicar forane of Canale d’Agordo Don Benedetto Tissi (1795-1828) who was a man of deep culture and deeply interested into French Enlightenment. Besides, his tomb can be seen behind the church of Canale d’Agordo. When Don Benedetto Tissi died, his nephew Antonio inherited his collection. The fund was successively purchased by Riccardo Tognetti, the mayor of Canale. In 2010 his grandson, namesake of his granddad, who died early, donated the whole collection with a refined sensitivity to Papa Luciani Foundation.

In 1930 Riccardo Tognetti had invited the brothers Albino and Edoardo Luciani to his house to show them his books and give them as presents. The young Albino was looking for ‘Summa Angelica’ by St. Thomas Aquinas, but could not find it. Instead, he found the volumes of the French Encyclopedia by Diderot, but as they were still banned, Albino did not take them.

To look for a volume within this fund, please click here:

Catalogo Bilioteca Benedetto Tissi-Tognetti (secc. XVII-XIX)

Responsible for the library and archive: Mr. Loris Searfini

Librarians: Mr. Patrizio De Ventura and Ms. Elena Turro

For librarian loans or information:

tel. 0437.1948001