The birth house of Albino Luciani consists of a building of the latest Century (maybe even, situated in the central part of Canale d’Agordo, in Rividella Street.
Giovanni Luciani, father of the Pope, bought it between the year 1901 and 1902 and the Luciani Family remained the only owner of the house until the of June 2019, when the living relatives sold it to the diocese of Vittorio Veneto (official website:
The house where Albino Luciani was born was opened for the first time to the public by Cardinal Beniamino Stella, Postulator of the Cause for the Canonization of John Paul I, on August 2.nd. It was totally inaugurated on 23.rd of April 2022 with the laying of the statue of Carlo Balljana, offered by Remo Mosole, and blessed by Cardinal Stella, honorary citizen of Canale d’Agordo.
Pilgrims can visit the ground floor and the first floor of the house where Luciani was born and was baptized .
Here are two of the rooms of Albino Luciani’s home.
The living room (called “Stua” in local dialect) with the typical wood stove (“fornel”), was the only heated room of the house.
Here, on the 17th of October 1912 Albino Luciani was baptized “in articulo mortis” a short after the birth, as he was in life threatening.
In this room the little child Albino learned catechism from the mother Bortola and said rosary together with the other children of the family.
On August the 26th 1979, during the visit of the Pope John Paul II in Canale d’Agordo, Karol Wojtila sat right on this armchair, from which it is possible to see the autograph of the Polish Pope for Edoardo Luciani, brother of Albino.
This room was built just from the year 1959 as before it was part of the ancient hayloft.
Albino slept here when he came and visited his brother Edoardo “Berto”.
Here are some personal objects of the Pope, like the table he used when he was seminarist and the image of Saint Camillo de Lellis, who mother Bortola was very devoted to.